Continuous Delivery - Agile's missing manual

1 min Edit
"We all have life storms, and when we get the rough times and we recover from them, we should celebrate that we got through it. No matter how bad it may seem, there's always something beautiful that you can find."
Mattie Stepanek,

Traditional agile methods has been fundamental in transforming teams to operate in iterative and incremental ways, but what seems to be missing is some clear cut requirements on how software should be released and how frequently. Enter Continuous Delivery (CD) - a more prescriptive software engineering approach that enables teams to release more frequently into the hands of users, safely, quickly and in a sustainable way.

In this talk, I will be sharing the drivers that made us consider CD at Xero, and the value that it has brought to the business. But implementing CD was not just about the process. So I’ll also cover the culture, practices and organizational changes we had to undergo to make deployments a predicable, routine affair that can be performed on demand with a warm cup of tea in hand.

This talk was delivered at the Agile Auckland meetup.

